After philosophizing with games, children are free to express themselves through art

Since July 2015, more than 10,000 children and teenagers have participated in MOSHI philo-artistic workshops in Paris, Boston and New York.

A study shows evidence that MOSHI method of education improves children and teenager’s grades in mathematics, reading, writing, develops problem-solving skills, increases social and emotional intelligence.

  • 87% of MOSHI teenagers entered top universities in the USA and France (Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, Juilliard, Science Po, HEC, Polytechnique, etc.)

  • 73% of MOSHI children entered top high-schools in the USA and France (Fiorello H. Laguardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, Stuyvesant High School, Lycée Henri IV, Lycée Louis Le Grand, etc.)



what is identity?

Bilingual workshop (French & English) at the International School of Boston. After discussing the philosophical notion of identity, children created their own individual mask.